Weather changeability details for Jacobsburg, Ohio

Changeability is the amount that the weather changes day-to-day. For temperatures, it's the difference (in number of degrees) between each day. Greater day-to-day degree differences means more changeable weather. For precipitation, it's the percentage of time that the next day is different than today &endash; i.e., a rainy day followed by a dray day or a dry day followed by a rainy day. A higher percentage means that precipitation and dry days alternate more frequently, thus the weather changes more.

You can find the full high temperature changeability rankings here, the full low temperature changeability rankings here, and the precipitation changeability rankings here.

All temperature values are measured in degrees Fahrenheit.

High Temperature Changeability Last Month Last Year
Average day-to-day change in high temperature 5.62° 5.75°
Largest decrease in high temperature from one day to next -12° -19°
Largest increase in high temperature from one day to next 13° 24°
High temperature changeability ranking (Full List) 106 231
Low Temperature Changeability Last Month Last Year
Average day-to-day change in low temperature 11.28° 7.86°
Largest decrease in low temperature from one day to next -21° -33°
Largest increase in low temperature from one day to next 28° 31°
Low temperature changeability ranking (Full List) 38 89
Precipitation Changeability Last Month Last Year
Day-to-day percent of time changes from precip to dry, and vice versa 57.1% 39.2%
Percent of time a dry day occurs after a precipitation day 76.9% 53.3%
Percent of time a precipitation day occurs after a precipitation day 23.1% 46.7%
Percent of time a dry day occurs after a dry day 75.0% 72.7%
Percent of time a precipitation day occurs after a dry day 25.0% 27.3%
Precipitation changeability ranking (Full List) 8 102
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